

Words have meaning and names have power.

Pythagorean Numerology, Astrologer, Numerologist

Most of us know about Pythagoras as a mathematician who developed a theorem in Geometry which states that in a right angled triangle, the sum of squares of the adjacent two sides will be equal to the square of its hypotenuse. But many of us do not know the other side of Pythagoras. Born in 570 BC in Samos, Pythagoras was an Astrologer, Numerologist, Musician and a spiritual Guru. He was able to communicate with Siddhas (enlightened souls) and went back into his past births and visualized his ninety nine thousand past lives in a row. He was able to predict earthquakes and calm the waves of the seas and rivers while travelling on. He healed several people with his music by playing lyre. After getting enlightenment, he started his own school where he used to teach Numerology and philosophy to his students. While initiating his students, he used to give a secret mantra (sacred sound) to his disciple.

Pythagoras believed that every planet had a peculiar sound of its own. He represented this sound using numbers. He felt that numbers can be classified as having male or female qualities, introvert or extrovert nature, beautiful or ugly etc. He also mentioned that some numbers carry karmic debts, i.e. the results of bad actions done in previous births, into the present lives of the people. Plato followed Pythagoras philosophy. Iamblichus gathered his verses and Thomas Taylor translated them from the Greek.

Pythagoras assigned a particular number to each alphabet in the natural way from 1 to 9. Apart from 1 to 9 digits, he considers 11 and 22 as master numbers. 11 and 22 represent the force of karma (past actions) which leads the person into success or failure in this life. Also, every number will have positive and negative qualities. For example, the right hand side table shows how the alphabets are numbered in Pythagorean Numerology.

Nameology is science of names

Nameology represents science of names. While setting a name, we should carefully observe whether the name is carrying any karmic debts from past lives. Also, we should check any negative vibrations in the name which should be avoided. More often, people select stylish names for their children, forgetting these factors. In this article, I will share some of the very important tips which help you to set any name with maximum positive vibrations.

Avoid the karmic digits 4 and 8.

Numerology identifies the digits 4 and 8 as carrying karmic debts from the past lives. 4 represent Rahu and 8 represents Saturn. For example, take the name: RAMA = 2+1+4+1 = 8. This number represents Saturn. Saturn gives troubles and delays any good things. This is the reason lord Rama was sent to the forest on the same day when he was about to sit on the throne. He faced a lot of trouble in the forest. Even though he was an emperor, he led a life of a saint, eating vegetables and sleeping on the floor.

Understand the inner meaning of the name.

Let us take a name ‘Avinash’ which is stylish and trendy. What is the meaning of this name? This name itself contains ‘vinash’ which represents destruction. This person will face a lot of troubles in his life. He may or may not be able to win over them depending on the planetary positions in his horoscope. But the point to be noted is that he will have troubles waiting for him one by one. He will feel life as a battle without peace and happiness. So, it is better to avoid such names like Avinash, Akrur, Kurup etc.

Always avoid palindromes in the name.

A palindrome is a name which when reversed will be the same name. For example, ‘liril’ is a palindrome. If we read it from left to right or right to left, it is same. Such names indicate cancellation of any progress. Das opposite to sad The person may find improvement in his life for some period of time and then goes back to initial state by losing whatever he earned. Let us remember the case of ‘Satyam’ which is one of the world’s top level software development companies. The doomsday of Satyam started when another company with the name ‘Maytas’ started. Ironically, Maytas was started by Satyam. If Satyam people have taken the help of a Numerologist, they would have avoided a big catastrophe. So, it is better to avoid the names like ‘KVVK’ . Here observe the palindrome ‘KVVK’.

Avoid the names of rivers and mountains.

According to Vedas, rivers wash out our sins. It means they take our impurities. So, the names Ganga, Yamuna, Kaveri etc. indicate sufferings received from others. Hence such names should be avoided. There are exceptions given to certain rivers but it is always safe to avoid such names.

Mountains represent pridhvi tatwa. This means, they represent stubborn nature and too much indulgence in worldly affairs. So, names like ‘Vindhya’ should be avoided.

Avoid the names of certain plants and herbs.

It is customary in India to keep Tulasi (holy basil) plant in the house and worship it with reverence. This plant has several medicinal properties and healing powers. Motivated by this, some Indian baby girls are given the name ‘Tulasi’. Since Tulasi heals others, it attracts their bad karmic debts also. So, the name ‘Tulasi’ indicates a life filled with severe troubles.

Never call children with nick names.

In all most all countries, nick names are used for the children. They are called with nick names and this will continue even after they become adults. In the office, the person is called using his original name and at home and by friends he is called by his nick name.

People set good names for their children based on their horoscope or Numerology. But most of the time, they call them using their nick names. Since nick name is also a name, we can say that the same person is having two names simultaneously. The original name may be related to one planet, say Sun. The nick name may be related to another planet, say of Saturn. Since these two planets work in two different directions on the child, there will not be expected progress. So, it is advisable to avoid nick names like Bujji, Babji, Nani, Chinna, Bunty, Chitti, Pinky etc.

Avoid too lengthy names.

I have seen many people holding a very lengthy name as a result of combining several deities’ names along with their grand parent’s names and forefather’s names. This is absolutely wrong and should be avoided.

Remember, the names mentioned in Vedic literature are all one word names. For example, Rama, Krishna, Balarama, Ganesh, Siva, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi, Paarvathy, Saraswathi, Kashyapa, Vyaasa, Arjuna, Karna, Droupadi, etc. One word or two word names will extend their full power to the person. If the name is of more than two words, then its power will be dissolved and the person cannot derive any benefit out of it. A very good example of two words name in modern world Steve Jobs founder of Apple and Bill Gates chairperson of Microsoft by following the above tips; you can avoid a lot of bad vibrations that hamper your progress.

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